Affu salamu bainakum, spread the salam among you... Sometime just a small word can bring the heart together.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Baghdad..after 5 year.
Part 2
Part 3
Baghdad,after 5 year (City of wall)- US claims that the military surge is bringing stability to Iraq. By traveling through the heart of Baghdad its easy to see by enclosing the Sunni and Shia populations behind 12ft walls, the surge has left the city more divided and desperate than ever. Video by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fourth World War
From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
It is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war.
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
- Part 6
- Part 7
- Part 8
- Part 9
Kashmir genocide
-Kashmir-land under seige,dedicated to mothers of more than 10,000 persons who disappeared in the custody of indian army and 100,000 who were mercilessly killed by Indian army.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Killing civilians by US military - 1
Aug.23, 2008:US-led coalition forces killed 76 civilians - including 50 women and 19 children - in a military operation yesterday, the Afghan government said. The attack, which included air strikes, took place in the Shindand district of Herat province in the west of Afghanistan and an investigation is now underway, its interior ministry said in a statement. but people of area say the number of those killed are over 100.
Sept.05, 2008:The attack by US Special Forces troops inside Pakistani territory, which left up to 20 civilians dead. The White House and Pentagon have refused to comment on the incident but various unnamed US officials have acknowledged to the media that the raid took place and indicated that there could be more to come.
US troops landed by helicopter in the village of Jalal Khei in South Waziristan at around 3 a.m. and immediately targetted three houses. The engagement lasted for about 30 minutes and left between 15 and 20 people dead, including women and children.
“It was very terrible as all of the residents were killed while asleep,” a villager Din Mohammad told the Pakistan-based International News.
The newspaper provided details of the dead and injured: nine family members of Faujan Wazir, including four women, two children and three men; Faiz Mohammad Wazir, his wife and two other family members; and Nazar Jan and his mother. Two other members of Nazar Jan’s family were seriously wounded.
The US and international media have described the Angoor Adda area around the village as “a known stronghold of the Taliban and Al Qaeda” but offered no evidence to support the claim. A villager, Jabbar Wazir, told the International News: “All of those killed were poor farmers and had nothing to do with the Taliban.”
- June 17 2008: US warplanes bombed a religious school in Zarghun Shah District of western Paktika Province, killing seven children aged 8 to 15, a US military press release said.
- July 5 2007: The US military helicopters hit two vehicle left 22 civilians, including a woman and a child, were killed.
- Jun 22 2007: NATO airstrikes kill 25 civilians, claims that nine women, three babies and a cleric were among those who perished in its bombardment at southern Afghanistan.
- May 10 2007: At least 21 civilians, including six children, have been killed in US air strikes in Afghanistan, leading to angry protests among locals. "Nato forces carried out an operation in Sangin and as a result of the bombing 21 civilians, including women and children, were killed."
Mohammed Asif, a resident of the village which came under Nato aircraft fire, said: "I know at least five homes were destroyed, there may be up to 38 people killed and 20 more were wounded. Foreign and Afghan troops are stopping people from some of the roads getting here." Another resident claimed that a number of bodies had been taken to the British base in Sangin in an attempt to prove that they were civilians and not Taliban fighters.
- July 7 2005: US military killed as many as 17 civilians in an air raid on the remote village of Chechal in the northeast Afghan province of Kunar.
- Dec 6, 2003: The US sent in an A-10 'Warthog' after receiving intelligence
US forces have admitted mistakenly killing nine children when they bombed a target in southern Afghanistan, near the city of Ghazni.
- July 1, 2002: Between 20 to 30 people were killed and more than 60 injured in Afghanistan when a U.S. plane dropped a bomb on a wedding party at southern Afghan province of Uruzgan. Among the wounded were a 7-year-old girl and a 6-year-old girl, both of whom were said to be the only surviving members of their families.
- There are still much more this kind of killing which are not notices here......
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Media propaganda 1
Open Letter: Sign the open letter to the major television networks urging them to NOT follow FOX's lead to another war. The video shows the evidence of how they are repeating the same distortions and fear mongering they did before the Iraq war.
Who Brought The African Slaves To America
- Jewish encyclopedia on Jewish domination in slave trade: With the rise of Islam large opportunities were afforded to the Jews to supply Moslem slaves to the Christian world, and Christian slaves to that of Islam; and Ibn Khordadhbeh in the ninth century describes two routes by which Jewish slave-dealers carried such slaves from West to East and from East to West (see Commerce). According to Abraham ibn Ya'ḳub, Byzantine Jews regularly purchased Slavs at Prague to be sold as slaves. Louis the Fair granted charters to Jews visiting his kingdom, permitting them to possess and sell slaves, provided the latter had not been baptized; three of these charters are still extant. Agobard claimed that, notwithstanding this provision, the Jews kept Christians as slaves, citing the instance of a Christian refugee from Cordova who declared that his coreligionists were frequently sold, as he had been, to the Moors. Many, indeed, of the Spanish Jews owed their wealth to the trade in Slavonian slaves brought from Andalusia (Grätz, "Gesch." vii.). Similarly, the Jews of Verdun, about the year 949, purchased slaves in their neighborhood and sold them in Spain (Aronius, "Regesten," No. 127).
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Thursday, July 31, 2008
War Or Peace? - Dr. Zakir Naik
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 and so on......
"War for Peace" has become the unjust slogan of many tyrants and oppressors on this earth. True Peace seems to elude humankind.
Entertainment and Corporate Media does not provide the peace it proclaims. It has in reality made the people more fearful, lustful, violent and greedy. Escapism from faith in God, humane values and good deeds is their mirage.
Islam, today, is the most misunderstood religion. It bears the brunt of misconceptions and hate propaganda.
The powerful mass media, aligned to deceitful political and corporate interests, spreads these misconceptions virulently... worldwide.
While portraying Islam, integrity and reliability are bypassed by the media with professional charm and finesse.
Wise and apt Islamic viewpoints are seldom covered in the mainstream media, whereas aberrations by a few misled Muslims are highlighted.
Muslims hardly have any hold or influence on major media, especially TV. They instead, exhibit an apologetic attitude and an inferiority complex.
Today, more 20,000 TV stations around the globe reach out to 5 billion people worldwide. Such that TV plays a major role in shaping public opinion.
With more than US $ 400 billion invested in TV productions and distribution alone, it is serious business laden with cut-throat competition, political manipulations and corporate interests.
Global scale media mergers in the industry have led to limiting the viewpoints having access to mass media, specially the Islamic viewpoint.
This scenario needs to be countered with a global reach for the truth of Islam. As the Qur'an (Ch. 21, V. 18) advises us:
"When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish".
Dr. Zakir Naik:
A medical doctor by professional training, Dr. Zakir Naik is renowed as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Qur'an, authentic Hadith and other religious Scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts.
Dr. Zakir is popular for his critical analysis and convincing answers to challenging questions posed by audiences after his public talks. In the last 6 years (by the year 2002), Dr. Zakir Naik has delivered more than 600 public talks in the U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, South Africa, Mauritius, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Thailand, Guyana (South America) and many other countries, in addition to numerous public talks in India.
He has successfully participated in several symposia and dialogues with prominent personalities of other faiths. His public dialogue with Dr. William Campbell (of USA), on the topic, "The Qur'an and the Bible in the light of Science" held in city of Chicago, U.S.A., on April 1, 2000 was a resounding success.
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, the world famous orator on Islam and Comparative Religion, who had called Dr. Zakir, "Deedat plus" in 1994, presented a plaque in May 2000 awarded to Dr. Zakir Abdul-Karim Naik for his achievement in the field of Da'wah and the study of Comparative Religion with the engraving "Son what you have done in 4 years had taken me 40 years to accomplish, Alhamdullilah."
Dr. Zakir Naik appears regularly on many international T.V. Channels in more than 100 countries of the world. He is regularly invited for T.V. and Radio interviews. More than a hundred of his talks, dialogues, debates and symposia are available on video cassettes, video CDs and audio cassettes. He has authored books on Islam and Comparative Religion.
Friday, July 25, 2008
The price of oil
Oil and the war in Iraq. Music "Greetings From The End" by Somewhere off Jazz Street.
Monday, June 30, 2008
The War on Democracy
- full video -
The War on Democracy by John Pilger
"Set both in Latin America and the United States, the film explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. Pilger claims that the film "...tells a universal story... analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called "war on terror". According to Pilger, the film's message is that the greed and power of empire is not invincible and that people power is always the "seed beneath the snow".
Pilger interviews several ex-CIA agents who purportedly took part in secret campaigns against democratic countries and who he claims are profiting from the war in Iraq. He investigates the School of the Americas in the U.S. state of Georgia, where General Pinochet's torture squads were reportedly trained along with tyrants and death-squad leaders in Haiti, El Salvador, Brazil and Argentina.
The film uses archive footage to support its claim that democracy has been wiped out in country after country in Latin America since the 1950s. Testimonies from those who fought for democracy in Chile and Bolivia are also used.
Segments filmed in Bolivia show that for the last five years huge popular movements have demanded that multinational companies be refused to access the country's natural reserves of gas, or to buy up the water supply. In Bolivia, Pilger interviews people who say that their country's resources, including their water and rainwater, were asset stripped by multinational interests. He describes how they threw out a foreign water consortium and reclaimed their water supply. The narrative leads to the landslide election of the country's first indigenous President.
In Chile, Pilger talks to women who survived the pogroms of General Augusto Pinochet, in remembrance of colleagues who perished at the hands of the dictator. He walks with Sara de Witt through the grounds of the torture house in which she was tortured and survived. Pilger also investigates the "model democracy" that Chile has become and claims that there is a façade of prosperity and that Pinochet's legacy is still alive.
The film also tells the story of an American nun, Dianna Ortiz, who tells how she was tortured and gang raped in the late 1980s by a gang reportedly led by a fellow American clearly in league with the U.S.-backed regime, at a time when the Reagan administration was supplying the military regime with planes and guns. Ortiz asks whether the American people are aware of the role their country plays in subverting innocent nations under the guise of a "war on terror". Former CIA agent and Watergate scandal conspirator Howard Hunt, who describes how he and others overthrew the previously democratically elected government. Hunt describes how he organised "a little harmless bombing". Duane Clarridge, former head of CIA operations in South America is also interviewed.
Pilger traveled through Venezuela with its president, Hugo Chavez, who he regards as the only leader of an oil-producing nation who has used its resources democratically for the education and health of its people. The Venezuelan segment of the film features the coup of 2002, captured in archival footage. The film holds that the 2002 coup against Chavez was backed by rich and powerful interests under U.S. support and that Chavez was brought back to power by the Venezuelan people. Pilger describes the advances in Venezuela's new social democracy, but he also questions Chavez on why there are still poor people in such an oil-rich country."(Wikipedia)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Kill War - Moseley, Birmingham
"Kill War" graffiti mural, created December 23rd 2007. A mural created on Moseley Road, in Birmingham, as a tribute for the people who day everday in war around the world. As we see the our troops sent out, let us not forget the reality of war, and the death and destruction that comes with it... and the wasted lives of our soldiers, based on greed and lies....
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Peak Oil
Is the age of cheap oil about to come to an end? According to many experts, we are about to reach the point of "peak oil" -- the level at which supply can no longer keep up with demand. This, say the doomsayers, could send economies spinning into turmoil and up-end our comfortable, urban lifestyles. But others claim predictions like this are simply scaremongering. They believe supply will match demand for decades to come.
The documentation from Journeyman pictures (2006)...
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Baghdad A doctor story
Baghdad A doctor story
38 min 53 sec - Nov 5, 2007
Average rating: (8 ratings)
Description: Filmed exclusively by an Iraqi doctor, This World reveals the terrible conditions of a civilian emergency room in Baghdad Al Yarmouk Hospital is in the most dangerous area of Baghdad. Sectarian violence is tearing the city apart and ambulance crews go from one dangerous mission to another. Talking on camera is dangerous, but here patients and doctors speak out. Wherever they go, the doctor is there with his camera. "People don't know what is going on in Iraq," he says, "they can't hear the Iraqi people screaming." In the constant stream of news reports from Iraq, the voice of ordinary people seems to have been lost. In this film, we hear from them directly... and get a harrowing insight into everyday life in Baghdad.
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The African Scandal
The Great African Scandal
47 min 17 sec - Sep 27, 2007
Average rating: (60 ratings)
Description: Academic Robert Beckford visits Ghana to investigate the hidden costs of rice, chocolate and gold and why, 50 years after independence, a country so rich in natural resources is one of the poorest in the world. He discovers child labourers farming cocoa instead of attending school and asks if the activities of multinationals, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have actually made the country's problems worse.
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Monday, March 24, 2008
Iraq Killing feild
* Partial list of 283 Iraqi and 29 non-Iraqi media professionals died under US occupation (updated 27 Feb 2008) - Background articles
* 2,000 Iraqi physicians have been murdered under US occupation.
* Hundreds of legal workers have left the country. At least 210 lawyers and judges killed since the US-led invasion in 2003, in addition to dozens injured in attacks against them.
* Based on studies done by local NGOs, it is probable that at least 15,000 Iraqis have disappeared in the past four years of occupation,” Mukhaled al-A’ani, a spokesman for local Iraqi NGO Human Rights Association (HRA), said.
* Iraq’s child mortality rate has increased by a staggering 150 percent since 1990. Some 122,000 Iraqi children died in 2005 before reaching their fifth birthday. More than half of these deaths were among newborn babies in the first month of life.
* 50,000 Iraqi refugees forced into prostitution (24 June 2007)
There are more than a million Iraqi refugees in Syria, many are women whose husbands or fathers have been killed. Banned from working legally, they have few options outside the sex trade. No one knows how many end up as prostitutes, but Hana Ibrahim, founder of the Iraqi women's group Women's Will, puts the figure at 50,000.
* Years of war, current insecurity take toll on environment. Insecurity and lack of funds prevent cleansing of polluted sites (There are up to 400 polluted sites in Iraq that are serious health hazards to the population and urgently need to be cleaned, according to a specialist in the Iraqi government. But ongoing violence, particularly the targeting of municipal workers, and a lack of funds is hampering clean-up efforts. )
* 8.000.000 Iraqis require immediate emergency aid, with nearly half of the population living in absolute poverty. Up to eight million Iraqis require immediate emergency aid, with nearly half of the population living in "absolute poverty", according to a report by Oxfam and a coalition of Iraqi groups. About four million people are lacking food and "in dire need of different types of humanitarian assistance", said the report, released in Amman on Monday.
"Iraqis are suffering from a growing lack of food, shelter, water and sanitation, health care, education, and employment," said the report, compiled by Oxfam and the NGO Co-ordination Committee in Iraq (NCCI). The report also says two million people within the country are currently displaced, while more than two million are refugees.
* 4.000.000 people are lacking food and in dire need of different types of humanitarian assistance.
* Only 60% of the 4.000.000 people who depend on food assistance have access to rations from the public distribution system, down from 96% in 2004.
* The number of Iraqis without access to adequate water supplies has risen from 50% to 70% since 2003.
* 80% of people in Iraq do not have safe access to effective sanitation.
* Child malnutrition rates have risen from 19% before the US-led invasion in 2003 to 28% currently. (Oxfam report 29 July 2007)
* The war is costing $720 million a day or $500,000 a minute. The money spent on one day of the Iraq war could buy homes for almost 6,500 families or health care for 423,529 children, or could outfit 1.27 million homes with renewable electricity. (AFSC 21 Sep 2007)
* More than 3.000.000 Iraqi refugees and 2.000.000 internally displaced. In Jordan: 700.000-750.000 - In Syria: 1.500.000-2.000.000 - In Egypt: 150.000 - In Iran: 100.000 persons - In Lebanon: 40.000 - In the Gulf States: 200.000 - In Turkey: 10.000 - In the rest of the world: no estimates available. (IRCO 01 July 2007)
Monday, March 03, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Killing slowly...

Gaza Strip Facts:
- About 79% of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are living in poverty.
- Unemployment affects about 258,600 Palestinians, 102,500 of whom are from the Gaza Strip.
- Border closures have affected or temporarily shut down 3,600 businesses.
- 80% of Palestinians are unemployed.
- Current economical losses are estimated at around one million dollars a day.
- At least 1,300,00 Palestinians are estimated to be food insecure.
- Since the latest Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation started in September 2000, more than 21,000 people have been left homeless in the Gaza Strip.
- Palestin refuge: Jordan 1,827,877 refugees, Gaza 986,034 refugees, West Bank 699,817 refugees, Syria 432,048 refugees, Lebanon 404,170 refugees, Saudi Arabia 240,000 refugees, Egypt 70,245 refugees and many other country like Europe etc..
Monday, February 11, 2008
Support Palestine-Islamic Relief
Assalamu Allaykum Palestine is among many of the suffering lands of this ummah. Decades after the conflict first began, life is still a precarious affair for many Palestinians. Political instability, conflict and the erection of the West Bank barrier have choked economic development in the region. The result of the ongoing crisis is that poverty is becoming widespread. On average, 57% of the population live below the poverty line, but in some areas this figure is much higher. In communities that live near the barrier wall for instance, around 65% of the people are poor. Please help support Palestine Visit:
Sunday, February 03, 2008
The corporation - case histories
- The Corporation is today's dominant institution, creating great wealth but also great harm. This 26 award-winning documentary examines the nature, evolution, impacts and future of the modern business corporation and the increasing role it plays in society and our everyday lives.
- The corporation
- Case histories can be used to diagnose the kind of personality that makes the corporation an externality-creating machine. Externalities such as harm to employees through the use of sweatshops: the exploitation of Third World countries' employees resulting in a huge discrepancy of price versus cost. Other externalities such as pollution and adverse health effects emerge. These include the genesis of the petrochemical industry and links to cancer, birth defects and other toxic effects. Another externality is harm to the biosphere or the environmental costs resulting from the way corporations operate, costs that will be passed off to future generations. Have we created a doom machine?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Blood Diamonds.
- A documentary film from part 1 to part 9 is about blood conflict of diamond that happen in Africa which cost million died and suffer, just to gain this stone. A value of an diamond after get wash from the blood of human, although it´s use to show on atvertising as love gift....
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9